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Nutrition, Mindset, Fitness Jenna Werner Nutrition, Mindset, Fitness Jenna Werner

Moving Out of Diet Culture

Diet culture is tough to navigate, especially once you are aware of it – it’s everywhere! Here, we provide a set of tips on how to slowly move away from diet culture, create boundaries, find new communities, and prioritize your health to live your most authentic life (diet culture free!).

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Nutrition, Mindset Chelsea Shafer Nutrition, Mindset Chelsea Shafer

How to Mindfully Eat

Mindfulness is defined as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” There are many ways to practice mindfulness including movement like walking or yoga, meditation, journaling, and even during the eating experience!

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Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner

Set Point Theory: Explained!

Scientific research has shown that the average person’s set point range varies from about ten to twenty pounds. There is no magic wand that we can wave to determine this point, and there is no spell that can change it. Instead, this theory requires that we turn inwards, listening to our body and its natural cues.

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Nutrition, Mindset, Fitness Jenna Werner Nutrition, Mindset, Fitness Jenna Werner

The Scoop on Sleep

Diving into why sleep is a powerful pillar of its own in HSH’s five pillars of wellness: what really happens when we close our eyes, why it’s so important, how it affects our food choices and energy levels, and some simple tips for a better night’s rest.

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Fitness, Nutrition Jenna Werner Fitness, Nutrition Jenna Werner

Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality

One scroll through social media will show photos of bikini-clad women, celebrities endorsing skinny-teas, and videos claiming to know the “secret to losing weight, fast!” What we don’t see is the truth: women struggling with eating disorders, celebrities never using the products they’re being paid for, and the fact that intentional weight loss is not something our bodies understand. You did not fail the diet, the diet failed you!

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Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner

I stress ate… now what?

Ah stress, we’ve all been there (or are there now!). And we’ve probably all turned to food for comfort more than once. Dive into this blog to learn more about stress, using food for comfort, and building awareness and confidence in stress management.

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Nutrition Jenna Werner Nutrition Jenna Werner

Processed Food: There is Nothing to Fear!

With all the nonsense circulating TikTok and social media about how processed foods are “toxic”, I HAD to share my take. We often hear this question from clients- “are processed foods bad for me?” If you have the same question, watch this blog video to hear the facts about processed foods and why they are nothing to be afraid of!

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Fitness, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Women's Health Jenna Werner Fitness, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Women's Health Jenna Werner

Why Has My Period Disappeared? An Introduction to Amenorrhea

We know periods can be a little, well…messy. However, our body’s ability to menstruate, despite the cramping and mood swings, is a sign that our body’s reproductive system is healthy and working properly! A life without a period may seem ideal, but not having one can cause serious health problems later on. Read this post to learn why our period “disappears”, who loses their period, what health consequences this can have, how we can get a period back with nutrition.

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